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Mineola Memorial Library

Library Behavior and Unattended Children

Behavior expectations of all library patrons and consequences of unattended children.


The Mineola Memorial Library encourages people of all ages to visit the library.  Those using the library and its resources have the right to expect a safe, comfortable environment that supports appropriate library services.

People demonstrating disruptive behavior will be required to leave the Library after one warning from library staff.  Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to, noisy, boisterous actions; inappropriate behavior, including eating, smoking, running, or loud talking; misuse of library property; uncooperative attitude; or actions that deliberately annoy others or prevent the legitimate use of the library and its resources.  Abusive language and behavior toward staff will not be tolerated.

Personal appliances, such as computers (laptops / ipads), may be used if the noise level is low and use does not interfere with others.  Because of the lack of outlets and concern for electrical overload, all appliances should be battery-powered. Appliances may be plugged into library outlets with permission of the library staff.  Cell phones should be turned off or switched to a non-audible signal and should be answered outside the library.

Young children are not safe when left unattended in the library.  Staff cannot know if children are leaving with a parent, a friend, or a stranger.  Library staff will not deliberately seek out unattended children; however, unattended children frequently become disruptive when they become bored.  Parents are responsible for ensuring the appropriate behavior of their children while in the library.  If a parent or other responsible adult cannot be located, unattended children who are disruptive will be placed in the care of the Mineola Police Department.  Under no circumstances will library staff take a child out of the building or transport children to another location.

Board approved February 8 2024


The Mineola Memorial Library is a public facility that offers services to a wide range of citizens, and children are especially welcome. The library has the responsibility to provide an environment that is safe and comfortable for every patron who is appropriately using its services and facilities.

Children and young people are expected to adhere to the same standards of patron conduct expected of adults. Parents, guardians, or assigned chaperones are responsible for the behavior of their children while in the library. If your child is disruptive or loud, please take him/her outside until the behavior is remedied.

Children under the age of eleven should never be left unsupervised in any area of the library. Staff members are not responsible for supervising individual children. If a parent (or caregiver) cannot be located, staff will call the Mineola Police Department to report an abandoned child.

Older children who are disruptive will be asked to leave the library (see policy on “Library Behavior”). Be sure that your child (12 or older) knows how to reach you if he/she goes to the library without adult supervision. Occasionally the library may have to close early, or library staff may need to ask children who continue disruptive behavior after one warning to leave the library. Your child needs to know where to go or whom to contact in such a situation. If no parent can be contacted, library staff will either allow the child to remain at the library under close supervision until a parent can be contacted or contact the Mineola Police Department, depending on the severity of the situation.

Remember our closing times. If your child comes to the library unaccompanied, please be sure that he or she is picked up by a responsible caregiver prior to the library’s closing time. Children who have not been picked up 15 minutes prior to closing will be given the opportunity to call a parent. Under no circumstances will staff transport children in a vehicle or accompany them home.

Board approved February 8 2024