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Mineola Memorial Library

Director's Message

Your Library Director Welcomes You
Director's Message

Camp We Read just wrapped up!  What a delicious way to end the program:  a game, ice cream with chocolate sauce and whipped cream, a shark story (it is Shark Week), and rewards for participation along with the rocks that were decorated weekly.  Thank you to Dollar General and Kiwanis for financial support and to Mr. John for reading to us, dispensing glue, and serving up ice cream.

On Tuesday, July 16 at 7pm the Historic Select Theater (oldest continuously operating theater in Texas) located at 114 N. Johnson St in Mineola TX, will be showing Gregory Peck in To Kill a Mockingbird.  Admission will be free and donations are encouraged to support the Mineola Memorial Library whose funding comes from generous grants like the Meredith Foundation and people like you!  Please, come out and watch a great movie and support the Library.