Director's Message
Your Library Director Welcomes You
Thank you for visiting the Mineola Memorial Library this year.
We have had a successful year and look forward to serving you in 2025.
Lone Star Legal Aid will visit on Tuesday, January 7 from 1-3pm. This is a chance for you to get your legal questions answered by a professional. They can tell you about legal aid, how it works, and how to get started. They can answer questions about the ads on wills and other items.
Sip and See is presented by Hearts and Hands of East Texas on Tuesday, January 14 from 1-2pm. Come meet people from this organization and learn about what they have to offer to you, where they are located, and what you can do to get involved with them.
Toddler Story Time will resume on Tuesday, January 7 at 9am for children ages 18-3yr and their parent / caregiver. Here they make friends, learn to share, hear a story, and complete an activity.
YAC is the Youth Advisory Committee and its members will meet on Tuesday, January 7 at 4pm. Members meet the first Tuesday of the month.
Preschool Story Time is back on Wednesdays at 10am beginning January 8. This is for children ages 3-5yr with their parent / caregiver. More structured than Toddlers it is a way to begin to prepare for school. There are stories followed by activities related to the stories.
Homeschool Heroes meets the first and third Fridays of the month during the school year at 10am. January 3 and 17. This is a time for homeschool families to meet, network, and complete an activity together.
Mineola Craft Club meets the first Saturday of the month at 10:30. Bring your portable craft to work on while fellowshipping with other crafters. A fun way to meet people, make friends, and learn about other projects.